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all CMAC members and their staff, regardless of position.

Loyalist College Culinary Job Fair

Loyalist College Annual Culinary Job Fair

What: Culinary Job Fair
When: Monday March 3, 2025
Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Where: Loyalist College, Belleville Campus, NOURiSH Restaurant
Cost: no cost

Format: “speed dating” style…we will have tables set up for employers and will have students move between tables in five minute intervals to learn more about your job opportunities and to share a little about themselves

What should I bring?

  • a short description of your business that you can verbally share with students in about 1-2 minutes
  • an overview of the positions you are looking to fill, including tasks
  • skills expectations for the job(s)
  • proposed work schedule
  • range of pay
  • copies of a written job posting are also very helpful, given that students will be meeting with so many employers that day (I have attached a guideline here to support you)

To Register: Contact

Chef Karin Desveaux
Program Coordinator, Professor
Loyalist College of Applied Arts & Technology
376 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9
613-969-1913, ext. 2592
Pronouns | she/her/hers